| EMCLAB® UV/Vis Spectrophotometer “EMC-11-UV” with Basic/Professional Software Sets, 200 ~ 1000 nm with Standard 4-Cell Holder, EMCLAB Works Certificate, Tungsten & Deuterium Lamp, 자외선/가시광 분광광도계 | 상품코드 : DH18CAT10012737 | 0원 | |
| EMCLAB® NANO Spectrophotometer, “EMC-NANO-UV”, 2 in 1 Multifunctional Cell Holder, 190 ~ 1100 nm Suitable for DNA, RNA, and Protein Analysis, 0.2 ~ 2.0㎕ Sample Volume, with Analyst PC Software, 나노 분광광도계 | 상품코드 : DH18CAT10032739 | 30,263,210원 | |
| SI Analytics® TITRONIC® 300 Motor-driven Piston Burette, 20 & 50 ㎖ Dosing Unit Interchangeable Max. 100㎖/min Dosing, 1/8000 Burette Resolution, [ Germany-made ] , 전자 자동 뷰렛/디지털 분주기 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0535 | 4,607,950원 | |
| SI Analytics® Bench-top Conductivity Meter Set “Lab 945” , Conductivity·Salinity·TDS·Temp Measurement With Single Point Calibration, Temperature Offset, Automatic Measuring Range, [ Germany-made ] , 탁상용 전도도 미터 세트 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0786 | 1,573,030원 | |
| SI Analytics® Precise Conductivity Meter Set “Lab 955” , Conductivity · Salinity · Specific Resistance · TDS · Temp With LCD Display, Active AutoRead, Simple Calibration with Timer, [ Germany-made ] , 정밀 탁상용 전도도 미터 세트 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0787 | 3,146,030원 | |
| Suntex® Benchtop Conductivity Meter-set “SC2300 ” , Conductivity ·Resistance·Salinity·TDS·Temp Including Conductivity Cell, Backlight LCD Display, Auto-test, Data Logging, 다기능 탁상용 전도도 미터 세트 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0788 | 1,955,890원 | |
| SI Analytics® MKⅡ® Portable Conductivity Meter-set “HandyLab 200” , Conductivity · Salinity · Specific Resistance · TDS · Temp Allrounder for Conductivity Measurement, AutoRead, Waterproof IP67, Data Storage, 휴대용 전도도 미터 세트 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0791 | 2,516,350원 | |
| Suntex® Portable Conductivity Meter-set “ SC110PA ” , Conductivity · Resistance · Salinity ·TDS·Temp, Backlight LCD Display With Membrane Keypad, 450 Data Logging, IP 65 Water Proof, 휴대용 다기능 전도도 미터 세트 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0792 | 0원 | |
| SI Analytics® Standard Conductivity Solution, Potassium Chloride Solution, 0.0 1 / 0. 1 / 1 mol/L | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0795 | 93,560원 | |
| SI Analytics® Conductivity Cells, DIN 8 Pole Plug and Fixed CableWith Pt. 2 & 4-pole Sensor, Plastic Shaft, 전도도 셀 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0797 | 1,320,700원 | |
| Suntex® Digital Colony Counter “CC570”, With Pressure Sensor System, Uniform Sensitivity, Up to Φ150mm Petri-Dish With Ring Shape Lamp Illuminating Device, 4-Digit Bright Red LED Counting Display, 디지털 콜로니 카운터 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P0884 | 1,502,990원 | |
| SI Analytics® Laboratory Hotplate Stirrer “SLR” , Glass Ceramic Plate, Approx. 550 ℃ , 100~1,000 rpm With Set/Actual Temp. Display, Speedy Heat-up or Controlled Temp. Adaptation, 디지털 가열 자력 교반기 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P1779 | 2,049,270원 | |
| Suntex® Digital Colony Counter “CC570”, With Pressure Sensor System, Uniform Sensitivity, Up to Φ150mm Petri-Dish With Ring Shape Lamp Illuminating Device, 4-Digit Bright Red LED Counting Display, 디지털 콜로니 카운터 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P1927 | 1,502,990원 | |
| Kern® Compound Microscope, “OBE”, Monocular & Binocular, with 3W LED illumination, 40× ~ 1000×360° Rotatable Tube, Wide Field Eyepieces, Fully-fledged Stage for Education & Laboratory, 교육용 생물 현미경 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P1959 | 1,047,570원 | |
| Kern® Compound Microscope, “OBL”, Binocular & Trinocular, with 3W LED illumination, 40× ~ 1000×360° Rotatable Tube, Wide Field Eyepieces, Suitable for Laboratory & Vocational Training, 쌍안·삼안 생물 현미경 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P1960 | 2,229,370원 | |
| Kern® Microscope cameras, “ODC”, 3,1 & 5,1 Mega-pixel, CMOS, USB ConnectionIncluding Software & USB-output for Easy Connection to the Microscope·PC, 현미경 카메라 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P1963 | 844,240원 | |
| SI Analytics® Premium Bench-top Dissolved Oxygen Meter, “Lab 745”, 0.01~20mg/L, -10~100℃, ATC With DO Measuring Cell, Data Logger Up to 4000 Data Set, [ Germany-made ] , 용존 산소 미터 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P2135 | 1,989,000원 | |
| SI Analytics® Digital One-channel Multi-parameter Meter, “Lab 875” & “Lab 875P” With IDS Sensor, Safe Determination of pH, ORP, Conductivity and Dissolved Oxygen, [ Germany-made ] , 디지털 멀티미터 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P2136 | 2,709,580원 | |
| SI Analytics® Digital High-performance Multi-parameter Meter Set, “ProLab 2500”With 3 Channel IDS Sensor ? pH · Cond. · D.O., Color Digital Display, Antibacterial Keyboard Cover, [ Germany-made ] , 고성능 디지털 멀티미터 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P2137 | 10,056,270원 | |
| SI Analytics® Premium Portable Multi-meter Set, “HandyLab 680”, 2-Connectors for pH, Conductivity, DO With Electrodes, Waterproof IP67, [ Germany-made ] , 휴대용 다용도 멀티 미터 세트, pH · 전도도 · 산화환원 · 용존산소 | 상품코드 : DH20030300P2138 | 4,357,580원 | |